A strobogrammatic number is a number that looks the same when rotated 180 degrees (looked at upside down). Find all strobogrammatic numbers that are of length = n. For example, Given n = 2, return ["11","69","88","96"].
publicclassSolution {publicList<String> findStrobogrammatic(int n) {if (n ==0) returnnewArrayList<>();if (n ==1) {List<String> result =newArrayList<>();result.add("0");result.add("1");result.add("8");return result; } elseif (n ==2) {List<String> result =newArrayList<>();result.add("11");result.add("69");result.add("88");result.add("96");return result; } else {if (n %2==1) {List<String> start =findStrobogrammatic(1);while (n >1) {List<String> newList =newArrayList<>();for (String s : start) {newList.addAll(convert(s, n !=3)); } start = newList; n -=2; }return start; } else {List<String> start =findStrobogrammatic(2);start.add("00");while (n >2) {List<String> newList =newArrayList<>();for (String s : start) {newList.addAll(convert(s, n !=4)); } start = newList; n -=2; }return start; } } }privateList<String> convert(String s,boolean flag) {List<String> result =newArrayList<>();result.add("8"+ s +"8");result.add("1"+ s +"1");result.add("6"+ s +"9");result.add("9"+ s +"6");if (flag) {result.add("0"+ s +"0"); }return result; }}