A strobogrammatic number is a number that looks the same when rotated 180 degrees (looked at upside down). Write a function to count the total strobogrammatic numbers that exist in the range of low <= num <= high. For example, Given low = "50", high = "100", return 3. Because 69, 88, and 96 are three strobogrammatic numbers.
Note: Because the range might be a large number, the low and high numbers are represented as string.
publicclassSolution {char[] singles =newchar[]{'0','1','8'};// Sorted by the first char in ascending orderchar[][] pairs =newchar[][]{ {'0','0'},{'1','1'},{'6','9'},{'8','8'},{'9','6'} };char[] ans; // buffer of storing the numberint count =0; // total countchar[] l; // char array of lowchar[] h; // char array of high// Compare two numbers' char array. Longer one is the larger one.// If have same length then compare each char from left to right// return positive when s2 > s1, 0 when s2==s1, nagetive when s2 < s1intcomp(char[] s1,char[] s2) {int len1 =s1.length;int len2 =s2.length;if (len1 != len2) return len2-len1;else {for (int i=0; i < len1; i++) {if (s1[i] != s2[i]) return s2[i]-s1[i]; }return0; } }// Recursion for generating Strobogrammatic numbers of length n // starting from both ends. As a result, the numbers are // generate in ascending order.// Therefore, when when a number is greater than high it returns false // and then terminate the loop. booleanhelper(int n,int s,int e,int len) {if (n==0) returnfalse;if (len==n) { // a resulting number // checking the rangeif ( comp(l, ans)>=0&&comp(ans, h)>=0 ) count++;if ( comp(ans, h)<0) returnfalse; // the nubmer is greater than highreturntrue; } elseif (s==e) { // odd length at the middle position, apply single digitfor (int i =0 ; i<singles.length; i++) {if ( ! ( s ==0&& i ==0&& n >1) ) { // first digit can't be 0 ans[s] = singles[i];if ( !helper( n, s+1, e-1, len+1) ) returnfalse; } } } else { // placing two digits at both endsfor (int i =0 ; i<pairs.length; i++) {char[] pair = pairs[i];if ( ! ( s ==0&& i ==0) ) { // first digit can't be 0 ans[s] = pair[0]; ans[e] = pair[1];if ( !helper( n, s+1, e-1, len+2 ) ) returnfalse; } } }returntrue; }// counting the total Strobogrammatic numbers of lengh n // without considering the rangeintcounts(int n,int next) {if (next<=0) return0;if (next==1) return3;if (next==2) return n==next?4:5; // first digit can't be 0return n==next?4*counts(n, next-2):5*counts(n, next-2); }publicintstrobogrammaticInRange(String low,String high) {int low_len =low.length();int high_len =high.length(); l =low.toCharArray(); h =high.toCharArray();for (int i=low_len; i <= high_len; i++) {// generating the numbers only when the length is equal to low or highif (i== low_len || i== high_len) { ans =newchar[i];helper(i,0, i-1,0); } else { // counting the total numbers without acctualy generating them count+=counts(i,i); } }return count; }}